Thursday, May 21, 2009

With the Lord

This morning I just got news that a close friend died. I know she is with the Lord now.
"I want to be close to Jesus. I can do good things. But that cannot save me. That cannot make me right with God. I can try to obey God’s rules. But that cannot save me. Only Jesus can save me. I need to trust in Jesus. I need to have faith. Then I can be right with God. Then I can be close to Jesus. Then I can keep on knowing him better and better. Jesus died on the cross. God made him come alive again. He is super strong. He will make me strong too. I will have problems. I will have hard times. Jesus had hard times too. I will be like him. I want to be close to him. Then I can live with him in heaven forever. Then I can have eternal life"
(Philippians 3:9-11, The B-I-B-L-E).

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