Wednesday, October 8, 2008


My two-year-old grandson was in "time-out" because he threw a toy at his sister. His dad told him to sit quietly in "time-out" and think about what he had done. But he made several attempts to talk with someone. He said, "I want to talk to my mommy." And he said, "I want to talk to my grammy." Then he looked at me pleadingly and said, "Grammy, talk to me." That pulled at my heart, but I followed the rules. It made me think about David and his desire for forgiveness and a restored relationship after his sin.
"I am very sorry that I hurt someone. Please forgive me. You are the one who saves. I will sing happy songs about you. I will tell others that you forgive. God, help me tell other people about you. I do not want to be quiet. I will tell others how great you are. I will praise you. I could give an offering to you. But that would not make you happy. I know what you want. You want me to be sorry for my sins. That will make you happy. You want me to know I did bad things. You want me to be ready to be good. That will make you happy" (Psalm 51:14-17, The B-I-B-L-E).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very clever.