Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Reading God's Word and applying it

Recently I was reading Psalm 1 from The B-I-B-L-E to our granddaughter who just turned 4. When I finished, she told me about the boy in her preschool class who is bad. He does not obey the teacher. He always messes around. She had understood Psalm 1 and told me she does not copy the bad things he does. That is how it should be. We should read God's Word and apply it to our life. That is what James 1:22 tells us to do:

"God's Word is very important. Obey God's Word. Do what it says. Do not just listen to God's Word. If you just listen, but you do not obey, you are not close to God. You are not thinking right. You think you are OK. But you are not. You are tricking yourself" (James 1:22 The B-I-B-L-E).

I am thrilled to be giving children God's Word in a language and style they can understand. Please join me in reading God's Word to little ones and challenging them to read it on their own.

1 comment:

DeAnne said...

I love your posts! It's wonderful and encouraging and relevant! You are a blessing. Let us know if you want help posting your prayer letters.